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Announcing Three New Multiclient Studies for Norway

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Three new multiclient studies for Norway announcement PetroStrat

We are excited to announce that we have news about not just one, but three, brand new multiclient studies. All focussing on the Norwegian Sea.

Two of these studies focus on understanding of the major controls (e.g., depositional environments, diagenesis and burial depth) on reservoir quality in the Jurassic-aged Garn Formation and Sub-Garn Sand Complex (Halten Terrace). Our Garn Formation Reservoir Quality Study is available now, and work on the related Sub-Garn Sand Complex is currently underway.

Our third multiclient study examines in detail the biostratigraphic data (palynology and micropalaeontology) of 31 wells from Halten Terrace, covering key wells of the area including recent discovery wells. This 31-well expansion of our Norwegian Sea Stratigraphic database provides a consistent understanding of the stratigraphy of the area and expands our biostratigraphic coverage to more than 1,000 wells in the sector.

These have been added to the “Studies” section of our website, where you can find more information.

Garn Formation Halten Terrace Study Controls on Reservoir Quality of the Jurassic Petrostrat Featured Image

Reservoir Geology Study Of The Garn Formation

The Garn Formation reservoir quality study comprises a consistent core and petrographic dataset, which is calibrated with biostratigraphic data to provide a better understanding into the main controls on reservoir quality across the Halten Terrace at a range of burial depths. Particular attention is paid to the presence, distribution and formation of pore-lining chlorites, which have been shown to preserve anomalously high reservoir quality at elevated burial depths. This dataset includes core description of ~1,370m from 31 wells, 120 petrographic samples, of which 50 include additional SEM and XRD analysis.

Sub Garn Sand Complex Halten Terrace Norway Study Controls on Reservoir Quality of the Jurassic PetroStrat Featured Image

Reservoir Geology Study Of The Sub-Garn Sands Complex (Ile, Tofte And Tilje Formations)

Building on PetroStrat’s recently completed reservoir Following on from the Garn Formation study, an extension into the sub-Garn (early-mid Jurassic) is underway which will provide a consistent description of depositional and diagenetic controls on reservoir quality across the Halten Terrace. In this study, 28 wells with ~2,650m of core will be described, aided by 275 petrographic thin sections, 50 of which will include SEM and XRD analysis. Chlorite polytyping and isotope analysis will be undertaken on up to 20 additional samples. As in the Garn Formation study, particular attention will be paid to the distribution of chlorite within depositional facies.

Norwegian Sea 2021 Stratigraphic Database PetroStrat Multi Client Study Featured Image

Norwegian Stratigraphic Database (NSD): Norwegian Sea Extension (2021)

This latest 31-well expansion to PetroStrat’s correlative biostratigraphic framework of >1,000 wells, across Norway and the UK includes the discoveries of Osprey, Cape Vulture, Carmen, Pil , Njord North Flank and Bauge.

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