Study details a glance
& Facies
Key points
- Project charts the evolution of depositional systems, sediment supply and basin evolution. All sedimentological interpretations are integrated with Ichron Sequences of the UKSD.
- Comprises 150 wells, of which ~2,700m from 54 cored wells were reviewed and logged at the BGS. Facies associations are linked to wireline log character, extrapolated to uncored sections/wellbores.
- Thicknesses of interpreted sand fairways are used to draft isochore & schematic GDE maps.
The Faroe – Shetland Basin Fairway Mapping Project builds upon the regional understanding gained through the stratigraphic evaluation of over 150 wells from the area. The Ichron stratigraphic nomenclature and individual well interpretations which are extensively applied as a standard for the area provide the regional framework for this Fairway Mapping Project. This study provides core-based definition of sediment fairways within each Ichron sequence in 66 of these wells, based on description of 3000m of core. Extrapolation of fairway elements into uncored intervals based on wireline log character allows gravity-flow fairways to be mapped throughout the area for each Cretaceous and Tertiary Ichron sequence. Core observations are used to infer the fairway type present in each well (e.g. channelised, ponded or unconfined,) providing a basis for mapping fairway element geometries.
- Data package containing 1:50 core descriptions of 2750m of core (indicated in bold in the Well List).
- Interpretation of fairway types documented using selected core photographs.
- ODM population of 150 wells including Ichron sequences, core facies and fairway elements matched to wireline logs for the entire Cretaceous through Tertiary succession.
- 1:1000 scale summary chart for each well plus regional correlation panels.
- Regional fairway maps for 20+ selected sand-prone Ichron sequences.
- Data supplied digitally via GIS framework, including all Ichron sequence and fairway element tops data.
Well List
202/2-1 | 204/24a-2Y | 205/20-2 | 208/17-1 |
202/3-2 | 204/24a-2Z | 205/21-1A | 208/17-2 |
202/3a-3 | 204/24a-3 | 205/21b-3 | 208/19-1 |
202/8-1 | 204/24a-5 | 205/22-1A | 208/21-1 |
204/10-1 | 204/24a-6 | 205/23-1 | 208/22-1 |
204/10-2 | 204/24a-7 | 205/23-2 | 208/23-1 |
204/14-1 | 204/24a-8 | 205/25-1 | 208/24-1A |
204/14-2 | 204/25a-2 | 205/26a-2 | 208/26-1 |
204/15-1 | 204/25a-3 | 205/26a-4 | 208/27-1 |
204/15-2 | 204/25b-4 | 205/27a-1 | 208/27-2 |
204/16-1 | 204/25b-5 | 205/30-1 | 209/12-1 |
204/17-1 | 204/25b-6 | 206/1-1 | 209/3-1 |
204/18-1 | 204/25b-7 | 206/1-2 | 209/4-1 |
204/19-1 | 204/26-1A | 206/1-3 | 209/6-1 |
204/19-2 | 204/27a-1 | 206/1a-4A | 209/9-1 |
204/19-3A | 204/28-1 | 206/1a-4AZ | 213/23-1 |
204/19-4A | 204/28-2 | 206/2-1A | 213/27-1 |
204/19-5 | 204/29-1 | 206/3-1 | 213/27-1Z |
204/19-6 | 204/30-1 | 206/4-1 | 214/17-1 |
204/19-7 | 204/30a-3 | 206/5-1 | 214/19-1 |
204/19-8Z | 205/1-1 | 206/8-13Z | 214/24-1 |
204/19-9 | 205/5a-1 | 206/8-2 | 214/26-1 |
204/19a-10 | 205/8-1 | 206/8-4 | 214/27-1 |
204/20-1 | 205/9-1 | 206/8-6 | 214/27-2 |
204/20-1Z | 205/10-1 | 206/8-8 | 214/27a-3 |
204/20-2 | 205/10-2B | 206/9-1 | 214/27a-4 |
204/20-3 | 205/10-3 | 206/9-2 | 214/28-1 |
204/20-3Z | 205/10-4 | 206/10a-1 | 214/29-1 |
204/20-4 | 205/10-5 | 206/11-1 | 214/30-1 |
204/20-6A | 205/12-1 | 206/12-1 | 214/4-1 |
204/20a-7 | 205/14-1 | 206/13a-2 | 214/9-1 |
204/21-1 | 205/14-2 | 207/1-1 | 6004/12-1 |
204/22-1 | 205/14-3 | 207/1-2 | 6004/12-1Z |
204/22-2 | 205/16-1 | 207/1-3 | 6004/16-1Z |
204/22-2Z | 205/16-2 | 207/1-4Z | 6004/17-1 |
204/23-1 | 205/17a-1 | 207/2-1 | 6005/15-1 |
204/24-1A | 205/17b-2 | 208/15-1A | |
204/24a-2 | 205/20-1 | 208/15-2 |