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Reservoir Scale Biostratigraphic Study of the Langebarn to Tare Formations

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Key points

  • Focuses on the intra-Maastrichtian Springar Formation penetrations in the Northern Vøring Basin, where significant numbers of potential reservoirs have been discovered.
  • Offers a significantly enhanced resolution in biostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic zonation of the basin across the Eocene to Aptian intervals.
  • Fully quantitative biostratigraphic analyses enable palaeoenvironmental and provenance interpretations to be made

PetroStrat has completed a nonproprietary, multi-client study on the integrated biostratigraphy of the sandstone and claystone lithologies of the Late Cretaceous Shetland Group formations, of the Vøring Basin, Norwegian Sea. The study is a second phase of analysis and correlation, following on from our first study in 2007, and building on the proprietary work conducted on the wells drilled in the basin. This study includes wells released up to 2011, including many of the wells targeting the younger intra-Springar Formation sand members. We have also re-analysed and reviewed the Nyk High and Gjallar wells in the light of new understandings.


The Voring Basin A High Resolution Correlation and Palaeoenvironmental Study Langebarn to Tare Formations Map

Following on from extensive drilling of younger Shetland Group targets the aims of the project were to:

  • provide an integrated and consistent interpretation of new analyses and the released biostratigraphic data set for the Norwegian Sea study wells released since 2007, assisting in the geological interpretation of the stratigraphy and to define the sequences penetrated over Eocene to Aptianintervals
  • provide a detailed stratigraphic interpretation of the potential reservoir development in the Tare, Tang, Springar, Nise, Kvitnos, Blålange and Langebarn Formations to aid in the identification and understand the distribution of potential reservoirs
  • revise, update and apply consistently a sequence stratigraphic and lithostratigraphic scheme for the Eocene to Lower Cretaceous of Mid-Norway;
  • develop the applicability of foraminiferid morphogroup microfacies for depositional and palaeoenvironmental analysis
  • document the scale and importance of reworking of palynomorphs to categorise sourcing and recycling of sediments, making a contribution to reservoir distribution and development.


Aims to develop and refine the sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy through the quantitative analysis of new material and released data. New quantitative micropalaeontology and palynology analyses from Albian aged Langebarn Formation to top Tare Formation of 16 key wells with significant Late Cretaceous coverage have been undertaken.

The Voring Basin A High Resolution Correlation and Palaeoenvironmental Study Langebarn to Tare Formations Chart 2

Wells included are; 6403/6-1 (Edvarda), 6504/5-1S (Gemini), 6603/5-1S (Dahlsnuten), 6603/12-1 (Gro), 6604/2-1 (Gullris), 6604/10-1 (Gro II), 6605/1-1 (Obelix), 6605/8-1 (Stetind), 6608/8-2 (Stetind II), 6607/2-1 (Cygnus), 6704/12-1 (Gjallar – updated), 6705/10-1 (Asterix), 6706/12-1 (Vema Dome, Snefrid), 6707/10-1 (Luva, Nyk High Updated), 6707/10-2S (Haklang OH), 6707/10-2A (Haklang ST)


PetroStrat zonations and chronostratigraphy are interpreted and calibrated to GTS 2012. Integration of wireline logs with interpreted lithostratigraphy sensu NPD, NORLEX, and MFSs sensu PetroStrat will be provided. Palaeoenvironmental interpretation will be based on microfacies (benthonic taxa) and palynofacies. A biostratigraphically driven sequence correlation of all the 16 study wells and time-slice maps is available. All data is presented graphically in a PDF report and available digitally as .csv files, StrataBugs .dex files and as an ODM project.

The Voring Basin A High Resolution Correlation and Palaeoenvironmental Study Langebarn to Tare Formations Chart

Future Work

This second phase may be used as the basis for further proprietary correlation of either client data or new analyses on more recently drilled wells. We are pleased to tailor project delivery and integration to client needs, including consultancy support during integration.

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We hope this page has given you a good overview of our study. If you have any further questions, or if you would like to discuss how this study could be tailored to your specific needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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